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Green Cleaning

Green Cleaning

What are “Green” cleaning products ?
Green cleaning is related to using better cleaning methods and products that are manufactured with environment friendly ingredients to preserve human health and the mother earth. Green cleaning techniques and products avoid the usage of chemically harmful and poisonous cleaning material that contain various poisonous chemicals that may emit volatile organic compounds causing respiratory, dermatological (skin) and various health hazards or adverse effects. Green cleaning also describes the newer technique devised to manufacture residential and industrial cleaning products with harmless packaging material and least hazardous distribution techniques. When the manufacturing process is environment friendly and the products are biodegradable then the term "GREEN" or "ECO-FRIENDLY" is applicable.
History behind Green Cleaning:
Years ago people used various groceries for effective clean of their homes, clothes, and dishes.
Example: Lemons is known to provide antibacterial and antiseptic properties for cleaning, tea is useful to remove die and yeast from the hardwood floors, vinegar is said to natural softener utilized for laundry purpose. These materials are inexpensive and easily accessible items that can be used to clean, disinfect and remove odors, cut down various kinds of stains and manage various house hold needs in a environment friendly manner.
These tools and techniques of bio-cleaning were not known to many people and the growing need of cleaning in the business domain gave birth to various chemical based toxic cleaning materials. These materials were widely unnoticed till the time we realized the environmental disorder spread across.
The imbalance in surrounding environment gave birth to the demand of cleaning products that were non toxic and environment friendly.
Green cleaning points back to Rachel Carson a highly respected scientist who worked to bring public attention to the usage of chemicals and pesticides that were hazardous to the plant earth and the side effects that were being caused to living beings. His book Silent Spring served was alarming call to the use of harmful chemicals that were being used on a daily basis. US government in 90’s initiated the green cleaning era. This initiative directed more than a million operated buildings in USA to implement “green cleaning products” that are least harmful to the environment.
Green cleaning is a new terminology pointing towards environmental responsibilities of human being while utilizing any products that can cause harm to the surrounding environment. Green cleaning products are said to cut down on the development or agitation of various health hazards such as respiratory, dermatological problems or any such health related adverse effects.
Instead of opting for chemical based cleaning products that swabs out everything in its path, green products are natural potent products that utilizes natural cleaning process that keep a house clean and smelling fresh without the poisonous side effects.
Green Cleaning is a promise to utilize, deliver, and dispose of cleaners keeping the people and the environment in mind. Green products are making the world greener that is safe and effective. While using these products all are requested to clearly read the instructions and dispose of the product properly so as to preserve our precious environment.