Refresh Air
image24 Refresh Air is an active solution which eliminates foul and objectionable odours. It decomposes the organic matter that causes bad odour from the roots and leaves the area with a unique mint fragrance which also disappear within 15-20 minute after application. Thus it leaves no residual odour or fragrance.

Refresh Air neutralises odours caused by organic material simply turning the organic matter into odourless compounds and thus removes odour and stains. It eradicates odours like urine, rotten food, eggs, rancid oil, grease and faecal matter.

  • Stink eliminator with enzymes
  • Very useful for home and public places like offices, hotels, hospitals, institutions etc.
  • Eliminates kitchen waste odor of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits etc.


Refresh Air can be safely used on surfaces of toilets, sinks, garbage containers and animal houses. It can be best used in toilet bowls, washrooms, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, kitchens and schools.


Odour Elimination:
  • Spray the solution on the affected area and allow to work. Rinsing is not required.
Stain Removal:
  • Spray on the affected area, let it stand for half an hour. Scrub the area with a clean nylon brush and clean with water. For heavy stains, repeat the procedure.


  • 500ml.